A friend with a camcorder was along for a replacement window project too small for a sub-contractor but too important for an hourly guy. Our Youtube Channels have over 100,000 views and are reviewed across the country more than 30 times a day by homeowners and professionals alike.
I came across a cool trick several years ago. It was after 25 years of running caulking every day. It's a pretty cool trick and has enabled me to come up with a technique that is teachable and helps others have better and better results with the looks of their caulking. I won't say no one is better, but I will say it's very tough to come up with a better end result than this will deliver. For glass cleaner I'm using one from CRL that's tough to get for the general public but they have one like it at the local box store.
This is a quick fix for whent the windows won't stay up or they have fallen out of the window frame in a modern vinyl window. This is meant as a self help, do it yourself informational fix for homeowners but all our products are our responsibility so if this doesn't help and you're a customer of ours please feel free to call the office and get personalized help for your windows.
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